Zane Bartlett

About me

Hello! My name is Zane Bartlett and I live in Dallas, Texas. My professional life consists of IT support and software development. In my spare time I enjoy a range of hobbies that includes working on interesting development projects, thinking about philosophy, doing calligraphy, watching TV and movies, volunteering, community building, and enjoying time with my friends. I have a passion for learning, as long as I'm getting to appreciate a complex topic at a deeper level, I'm happy. You can find also find me on Github and LinkedIn

I develop software with a focus on data analytics. I try to always be improving and enjoy finding areas that I can better myself. I build software that's up to industry standard, following current best practices. Over the past few years I have been lucky enough to work with many amazing developers, always doing my best to contribute where I can and learning when I can.

Below you can see the frameworks, languages, libraries, and technologies I'm familiar with. Download my resume or go to my work page for examples of where I've used these.

Frameworks, languages, and libraries I'm familiar with

Technologies I'm Familiar With

About the website

This website was built responsively using HTML5, CSS, 11ty, and nunjucks, hosted on cloudflare. All photos are sourced either myself, Wikimedia Commons, or Pexels. Read more about this website .